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The Allen East Board of Education and Administration believes communication is essential in a successful school – community relationship. One area that did not promote this as well as it should have was our website. As we entered the “new-look” 2007-2008 school year, we looked for options to improve this area of communication. After months of rebuilding this resource, we are pleased to welcome you to our new website. We apologize for any inconveniences our past website had caused for many of our viewers. Please use this resource as a link to the school, alumni, and community events.
It is hard to believe the 2007-2008 school year will end on June 4. Our Seniors will graduate this Saturday (May 31) at 11:00 a.m. in the Varsity Gymnasium. The “climate controlled’ gym will be a welcome relief after some pretty warm graduations over the years.
After the ceremony, the Allen East Board of Education will start a new tradition by honoring our 2007-2008 retirees with a reception in the Auditeria. Please feel free to stop in and express your best wishes to these employees as they leave the halls of Allen East.
Michael W. Richards, Superintendent